Yoga Journal Deutschland-A Translation
Nov 18, 2010
What good fortune!
Another plug for the Mobile Yoga Workout in Germany. The Mobile Yoga Workout is featured in the November/December issue of Yoga Journal Deutschland. While I am working hard on learning German, at this point anyway, my Deutsch doesn't go much further than the basic pleasantries and ""Zwei bier, bitte"", therefore the translation below is courtesy of Google Translator: "More action brings Mobile Yoga After 20 year term teaching and practice both in yoga and in skating, Kris Fondran decided to combine both disciplines. The result is a vigorous workout from muscle-building and coordination training. Meanwhile, the American is moving to Germany and intends to offer the first courses here in spring." The workout was first featured in the magazine's online version a few months ago at The translation of the online article is below, again, thank you Google Translator: An exceptional sports content comes directly from the United States is rolled upon us: "Mobile Yoga"" is the new trend that aims to equip ourselves with a combination of yoga and rollerblading. After 20 years of teaching practice, both in yoga and in skating, the American Kris Fondran (42) decided to combine the two disciplines together. The result is a workout from a strong muscle and coordination training. The "Mobile Yoga" inventor is convinced that this training helps to reduce stress and promote the connection between mind, body and soul. Daily training, it will also improve emotional, mental and physical capacities.
So I am off and rolling into Deutschland in about 3 weeks time. It will be interesting to see how the Mobile Yoga Workout really translates for Germans, pun intended.