A Mobile Yoga Life In Review-2018
Dec 25, 2017
"Mobile Yoga" as a concept is showing the complimentary aspects of yoga and skating; "Mobile Yoga " as a lifestyle? Well, that would describe mine.
In 2017, skating kept me "flying" around rinks in Cleveland and over 80000 miles in the air from the beaches of LA to the mountainous regions of China. While yoga continued to serve as an anchor to good health, inner peace and the cultivation of present moment awareness. Skating and Yoga, two aspects of my personal and "work" life, certainly continued to serve me well in 2017. It is hard to believe that at 50 years old I have managed to cultivate such a physically active, mentally stimulating, and emotionally rewarding life. Thanks to the support of my husband Greg and my children-who lovingly chide me as "the absentee mother," I am truly blessed and my life filled with so much love and happiness.
Let's take a look at a "Mobile Yoga Year in Pictures."
January 9-17 Beijing, China/Seoul Korea Sled Dogs Snowskates
January 18-May 5 Cleveland , Ohio Spring Semester Cleveland State University
January 26-31 Los Angles, CA . Rollerblade Workout & Tips for Beginners 2 Videos
February 2-5 Miami, FL Skater Migration Event
February 20 New York City Visit Friends & Catch a Show
April 8 & 9 New York City Saturday Night Live
May 5-12 Venice, Italy Rollerblade International Sales Meeting
May 15-24 Chongqing/Hanzhou/Shanghai China Inline Certification Program
June 1- 3 New York City Parkinson's Foundation & Columbia University Reunion
June 9-11 Snowshoe, West Virginia Wanderlust
June 12-July 30 Cleveland, OH Cleveland State University Summer Research Inline Skating Study
July 1 Cleveland, OH Kris' 50th Birthday Extravaganza
July 2-July 19th Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria European Vacation
August 11-15 Madrid, Spain ICP Level 2/Level 3 & Sled Dogs Snowskates
August- December CSU Fall Semester
September-present Cleveland Area, OH Learn to Play Hockey & Technique/Power Sessions
October 12 Chagrin Falls, OH The Pond -Teaching to Be Teachers Seminar
December 7-17 China/Korea Sled Dogs Snowskates
December 18-20 Los Angeles, CA Visit Friends End of the trail indeed! Kris' Mobile Year in Review.....The End.